
The way this blog is set up is as follow. Under the Blog Page menu heading you will see various topics that the blog aims to cover from politics to history. If you want to see posts on a particular topic please select that topic. The aim of this site is to make every person who comes in contact with this site to want to be a better human being or a global citizen. Whether that means learning about what is currently happening in the middle east. Or whether you want to learn more about how societies have formed over the last thousand year. The unifying theme of all blog series and posts will be the requirement to make the reader better for having read the posts. For instance if you are learning about past civilizations and the atrocities they committed typically their inclusion will draw a parallel to something similar happening in contemporary culture. The aim of all of it this to delve into the past into various disciplines and their evolutions to gain a deeper understanding of the current state of affairs of the world. To hopefully start a discussion on everything that could be helped by us, the global minded citizens of the world. Whether we start a kickstarter for a natural disaster or whether we start an initiative to reduce homelessness. Anything that transforms our thoughts and actions into being more globally minded, to not forget that we are living on this planet alone and it is up to us to bring about change. 

Occasionally you’ll find a written series of material aimed at informing about a particular topic like the Palestinian Israeli conflict, or colonialism, or racism. These topics will typically fit into one of the larger subjects explored but due to their importance particularly in the current socio-political climate they will be explored more deeply in their own series.